Who We Are
...you will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you will be my people, and I will be your God. -Ez 36:28

Sha’ar Adonai (the Gate of The Lord) is a Messianic community that meets on New York City’s Upper Westside. We are dedicated to bringing the Besorah (good news) as expressed in the Life and Teachings of Yeshua (Jesus) to the New York City area.
As a New York Kehillat (Congregation) we are a very diverse group consisting of many different backgrounds and ethnicities. We are proud of the fact that as a community of Believers we are echad (One)—one in our determination to share the wonderful life that we have in Messiah.
Our membership includes many Jewish and Gentile believers and seekers from a wide range of cultural and religious backgrounds. The Congregation is united by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and by the belief that Yeshua is the Messiah of Israel and Lord over all the nations. He is the center and focal point of our faith and has made us one new man.
Our Vision
To establish a Messianic Jewish community whose members are mutually committed to each other’s growth and edification as we share the message of Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, with all Jewish and non-Jewish people.
Our Mission
- To reveal Yeshua the Messiah of Israel, through the Scriptures.
- To present solid biblical teaching.
- To disciple believers according to the entirety of Scripture from a Jewish perspective.
- To provide culturally relevant Messianic Jewish worship and Biblical Holy Days.
- To instill a Messianic Jewish vision in our children through biblical instruction and practical example.
- To mobilize believers for ministry according to their passions and gifts.
- To provide Messianic training and establish new leaders.
- To unify people in a nurturing, caring and prayerful environment.
Our Values
- We value sound theology based on the Tenach and Brit Chadasha.
- We value commitment to Messiah Yeshua as demonstrated through a life of prayer and holiness.
- We value sensitive Messianic outreach to the Jewish community.
- We value our Jewish heritage as expressed through culturally relevant Messianic worship of biblical Holy Days.
- We value healthy caring relationships within the community of believers.